Forum Discussion

MikeTamoush's avatar
Qrew Commander
2 years ago

New Forms - Thoughts?

I was wondering everyone else's experience with the new forms. There is so much I love about them, but I am encountering a lot of issues. Lots of navigation/return 'weirdness', some unconventional auto saving, report link bugs, etc. Are others having the same experience? I can't decide if I can even implement the form as it is quite quirky....

Maybe I just need more time with it, but I am curious others thoughts.

Mike Tamoush
  • Same here:) I was excited to test it and switch my current forms into New but I put it on hold.

    For new development I started even from New form, but as I include "way-to-many" fields performance of it was very poor.

    Also not having ability to places "Grid Edit" related table not acceptable.

    Adam Krzyzanek
    • sanaddhital1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      I experience the same. They haven't integrated grid edit reports to be included in new forms. That sucks!

      sanad dhital
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        Sanad, there is a way to get grid edit on new forms.  

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • MikeTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Commander

      the grid edit feature they have made available, so thats good. I assume they will slowly fix eveything else, but i have also put on hold switching over. i am trying it in one place right now and that is really it.

      Mike Tamoush
  • I haven't switch anything "in production" over to new Forms yet, partially because others have reported so many issues … coupled with lack of visibility into known bugs. I get the impression this feature was released too soon, probably to showcase something at Empower (speculation).

    Also, I want to avoid a mixed UI where some parts of the app are old styles and some parts are new style. Although, I suppose we could build new style forms that are basically not assigned to any Role and then point the new forms to all Roles when we are ready to roll out. But, switching over our many existing to new Forms would be a pretty huge project and I just don't see benefit from an ROI perspective.

    I do keep an eye on the Release Notes and see that issues are being fixed in "Forms 2.0."

    Brian Seymour
    • ChayceDuncan's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      I haven't touched them to this point. In my opinion they lack a look of professionalism and overall are not an improvement over legacy forms. I've been doing this long enough that all the forms I build look and feel the same across our environment and I have a custom elements that I inject to make all our forms look and feel a certain way that is now just my 'style' - and the new forms are too buggy and so far off from what we're used to they have a long way to go until we use them. 

      Chayce Duncan
    • JeremyAnson's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Agreed. It seems risky to rely on the new form design when a) it seems to be buggy and b) there is no visibility of known issues. 

      Yesterday I noticed white space appearing below buttons - wasn't there the day before, but made the forms unusable. I asked if this was a known bug and - as usual - was asked to provide access to the app in question. I asked again if this was a known bug, and only then was told that it was, but was being fixed with a patch. Great to see it being fixed, but why not share the known issues list? At the moment it seems we're being treated as guinea pigs/testers.

      Jeremy Anson
  • I agree.  I just started building out a New Form, and I really like many of the new features, especially with Form Rules.  However, I quickly came across my first issue and opened a support case.  When adding a child record from a parent record, but then click "Cancel" to avoid adding the child record, it redirects me to the child table home report, instead of back to the parent record.  Legacy form does not behave that way.  As I continued to develop in the New Form, I came across more bugs and have come to the realization that New Forms are not yet ready for production.  I'm hoping the bugs will be addressed soon.

    Hector Aubert

    • PrashantMaheshw's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      I see the most annoying bug for me , clicking on new record and the page opens with nothing , a quick refresh of the page and then form loads ,checked it across safari , chrome and firefox.

      Prashant Maheshwari