Forum Discussion

KarenHenke's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

New Style Reports Issue with Lists


I have a multi-select field called Industry Relevance that I want to display as a list in reports and on forms (when viewing).

I created this formula text field: Industry Relevance List using this formula:

SearchAndReplace(ToText([Industry Relevance]),"; ","\n")

This functions properly with the old style reports and old style forms, but with the new style forms and new style reports, it shows the text in a string. 

Thoughts on how to fix this?

Thanks in advance!

Karen Henke
  • Can you show. Screen shot of where it appears as a string.

    also change to 

    SearchAndReplace(ToText([Industry Relevance])," ; ","\n")

    There should be a space before, and after the Semo Colon.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)