Forum Discussion

MichelleWoolley's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Notification emails going out even when nothing to report

We set up a report to send out a list of missing receipts from an app that has all the credit card transactions in it.  The box to send out the report even if there is nothing on the report is not checked and one of the filters is that the Quickbase user ID is the current user, which was supposed to make it so that the report showed as blank for that user if they did not have any missing receipts and therefore no notification would be sent.  However, people without any missing receipts are still getting a notification email which is causing a lot of confusion.  If anyone knows of a way to prevent this, it would be much appreciated.

Michelle Woolley

7 Replies

  • Hi Michelle,

    Is that email going out to all of the users who would get that subscription and don't have records or is it only going out to one or two of the possible recipients? Sometimes what happens is that if it is only going to one or two user who can't find records it could be because records are edited or change statuses before the user actually opens the email. Also is that user in a role where they have permissions to view the field you are using to filter that report?

    Evan Martinez
    Community Marketing Manager
    • MichelleWoolley's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Hi Evan,

      Thanks for your response.  The report is set up to go to all QB users and then the filters are trying to make sure that if there is nothing to report, no email goes out.  But some people that do not have any records and should not have any records are getting an email about missing receipts.  There is nothing showing in the records section of the notification, which is correct, but they shouldn't get the email at all.  We are trying to use the QB user id (since all the people involved are users) as a filter but I think the field we are using for the QB user id has some issues.  I am hoping there is a better way to exclude people who do not have anything to report and should not have anything to report from the email notifications without setting up a separate report for each person.

      Michelle Woolley
      • EvanMartinez's avatar
        Quickbase Staff
        Hi Michelle,

        Basing a subscription off a report that filters by current user having records is something I've done plenty of times in my own apps and helping with customer apps in the past to help send out the subscription only when the user has relevant records. In the past it usually only doesn't work when something makes that field and data unreliable in the app. What issues do you think the field has? Is it part of a relationship or based on a formula that could be having its values changed somewhere outside the table so you aren't able to track that change?

        Evan Martinez
        Community Marketing Manager