Forum Discussion

AshleySolomon's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Nz Function - Formula Help

I have a Formula Currency field "Total Filing Fee" that needs to preform the following function: 

Take the value entered in "Filing Fees - Manual". If the field is blank then check to see if "Charge Filling Fee?" is check (lookup). If it's checked then take the value in "Filing Fees (per Filing)" (lookup). If the checkbox is unchecked then the fee should not be pulled into the Formula field and it should just calculate as a $0.00 

Below is the formula that I have built. It pulls in the "Filing Fees - Manual", but stops there. I would greatly appreciate any input. 

Nz(([Filing Fees - Manual]),(If([Schedule - Charge Filing Fee?]=true,[Schedule - Filing Fees (per Filing)],0)))

With Manual Fee:
Without Manual Fee:

Ashley Solomon
  • Hi Ashley!

    Try this one out...

    If([Filing Fees - Manual]<>0, [Filing Fees - Manual],
    If([Schedule - Charge Filing Fee?]=true, [Schedule Filing Fees (per Filing)]))

    Hope this helps! Let me know if it gives you any trouble.

    Tyler Foster
    Associate Developer
    Synctivate Inc.
  • Hi Ashley!

    Try this one out...

    If([Filing Fees - Manual]<>0, [Filing Fees - Manual],
    If([Schedule - Charge Filing Fee?]=true, [Schedule Filing Fees (per Filing)]))

    Hope this helps! Let me know if it gives you any trouble.

    Tyler Foster
    Associate Developer
    Synctivate Inc.
  • Try this

    IF(IsNull([Filing Fees - Manual]) and [Schedule - Charge Filing Fee?]=true, 
      [Schedule - Filing Fees (per Filing)], 0)

    Be sure that he field properties for [Filing Fees - Manual] is set to not treat blank as zero.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)