Open related file attachment from another app
I am building a new app to replace tables and processes in a current app. In the current app there is an attachment field for a picture that I would like to link to in the new app since moving attachments is not an efficient option. We will be migrating the record data over, so I can also migrate the Record ID from the current app. I'm thinking this would be needed in a formula URL so it know which Record ID from the current app is related to the new Record ID. However, I have spent a lot of time searching the community for a formula that works. I believe I'm really close but not sure where I'm going wrong.
current app table ID: bkszu32qd
field: 53 Picture (file attachment) or field 54: Thumbnail (formula rich text)
new app table ID: bs74pmxe2
field: 58 Picture (file attachment) or field 50: Thumbnail (formula rich text)
I would like a user to be able to click a button on a record in the new app that will open the related file attachment in the current app. Once the new app is live, attachments will be made directly in the new app so those records will not have a need for the button. Access to the current table would only be to view the related attachment.
Here is what I have for a formula in field 58 in the new app:
var text textId = QB32Encode([Record ID#]);
"" & $textId & "/ede/va/" & [Picture]
Any help to get this working will be greatly appreciated!
Amy Gosz