Over time Rule to Separate hours based on Pay type
Ok I have 1 more issue with creating an overtime rule in the timecard system, this morning I was able to get a 40-hour rule working to move hours from regular Earnings after 40 hours to Regular over time. But I need to make it more complicated as I have 4 Pay types employees can choose from when putting in their times for the day. Below is an example of time and pay types for days of the week for totals.
Monday – 10 Hours Regular Pay
Tuesday – 10 Hours Regular Pay
Wednesday – 10 Hours Regular Pay
Thursday – 10 Hours Training Pay
Friday – 15 Hours Training Pay
Saturday – 5 Hours Regular Pay
Total – 60 Hours
Totals For each Pay Bucket
Reg Earnings = 30 Hours
Training Pay = 10 Hours
Training Over Time = 15
Reg Over Time = 5
Right now, I have the rollover working if I just do Regular earnings using the following setup.
Field 1 - [Regular Earnings before 40 hour Cap]
If([Pay Type]="Regular Earnings", [Payroll Hours],0)
If([Pay Type]="Training Pay", [Payroll Hours],0)
If([Pay Type]="Non-Billable", [Payroll Hours],0)
Field 2 is the box for Regular Earnings before 40 hours.
[Regular Earnings]
Min(40, [Regular Earnings before 40 hour Cap])
Field 3 is the box for the Regular Over time / After 40 hours
[Over Time]
[Regular Earnings before 40 hour Cap] - [Regular Earnings]
Now I have 2 more over time Boxes – Training Pay Overtime / Non-Billable Over time. I am needing to take all the times for the week's timecard and after the 40 hours & sperate the overtime to the correct bucket and that's the issue im having. If I just use what I have not all the over time will go into the [Over Time] bucket but I need to sperate them. I was thinking a [ IF ] statement would work but I'm thinking I'm wrong as I cannot get it to do it.
Matthew Jones