Forum Discussion

JamesCarr's avatar
Qrew Trainee
9 months ago

PayPal JavaScript SDK


Has anyone successfully utilized this? I have looked at their documentation and was just recently directed to their integration builder. I envisioned using a code page(s) but after reviewing everything, I don't know if this is doable in QuickBase or if it's just my limited knowledge getting in the way. Any input/direction would be greatly appreciated. 

James Carr
  • I haven't used it specifically - but your issue with the codepage approach will have to do with that actual API interaction with Paypal. Paypal uses OAuth2 for authentication, which would require that you embed the client ID and secret into a code page which would be a giant red flag in that anyone with access to that page could find it. 

    You could try and marry a codepage to Pipelines - where Pipelines is operating as your 'server' in this case to handle the actual API interaction with Paypal - but you get iffy results with CORS and the callbacks when trying to work with Pipelines inside of a codepage. Your best bet for simplicity is to use a codepage as the front end within Quickbase and then set up something like an AWS Lambda or Azure instance where you're actually integrating with Paypal, this make the the callbacks much easier to work with. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • JamesCarr's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Thanks for the response. I get the gist of what you're saying, but to actually begin to do that work is beyond my understanding. I will have to see if I can find a developer in my budget or something. 

      James Carr
      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        What specifically is your end goal? Are you trying to have some kind of interface in Quickbase that they would be interacting with Paypal - or are you trying integrate paypal where some kind of event / trigger in Quickbase outbounds to based on QB data? If it's the latter where you just need to send and receive information from Paypal you don't necessarily need the code page - that could be done potentially through PIpelines or a server setup to interact with QB. 

        Chayce Duncan