Forum Discussion

JeffPeterson1's avatar
Qrew Captain
2 years ago

Percentages on Stacked bar chart

Anyone have a quick fix for this problem?   I'm trying to get percentages for each week on this stacked bar chart and if I change it to 'percent of series' it's giving me the percent of all green.     What am I missing?


Jeff Peterson
  • Are you saying you want the total posted on each bar? So the first bar would be 32%? If so, I ran into this same limitation and never solved it. Please post if you solve...

    Mike Tamoush
    • JeffPeterson1's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      No,  each week should total 100% and I want the breakdown by color.   So for the right bar it should show like 91% for the green and 9% for yellow.   I can get it to work in a single bar chart, but not stacked.

      Jeff Peterson

      • MikeTamoush's avatar
        Qrew Commander

        Ahh. I think you would need summary formulas, which are only available in Summary Reports. You could go old school - make a 'Week Summary Table'. The key field is something like WeekYear and you manually import like 20 years worth of weeks. The key field could be as simple as 012023, 022023 counting up to 52. Then on your main table you make a formula field to match that week. Make a relationship between the two, and use the summary table for your chart....

        Mike Tamoush