Forum Discussion

JessicaMatenga's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Phone Number Brackets

Is there a formula that removes the brackets from a phone number when a csv is exported from Quickbase?  Other than changing the field to numeric

Jessica Matenga
  • Try this. Assumes a North American starting format. 

    var text Tel = ToText([My Phone# field]);

    var text RemoveBracketOne = SearchAndReplace($Tel,"(","");
    var text RemoveBracketTwo = SearchAndReplace($RemoveBracketOne,")","");
    var text RemoveHyphen = SearchAndReplace($RemoveBracketTwo,"-","");


    phone# to 10 digits prefixed with +1

    var text Tel = ToText([Mobile for Drug test Notifications]);

    var text RemoveBracketOne = SearchAndReplace($Tel,"(","");
    var text RemoveBracketTwo = SearchAndReplace($RemoveBracketOne,")","");
    var text RemoveHyphen = SearchAndReplace($RemoveBracketTwo,"-","");

    SearchAndReplace($RemoveHyphen," ","")

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • JessicaMatenga's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thanks Mark that worked perfectly with the mobile numbers.  For the phone number is also removed the brackets and hyphen but there is a space after the closing bracket so converted the space appears -
      029 7963100 or 5 5937586

      Just need to remove the space as well if you can supply the additional formula.

      Jessica Matenga
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        The formula should have removed the space too. Can you post your whole formula?

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)