Pipeline - Delete Record
I have a Couple of Tables, say Table A , Table B and Table C.
Table C is a Helper table with records of sequential numbers I am using as a loop counter.
e.g. QTY is 5 so 5 related Part Records with a Blank serial number field are created in Table B.
Table A Has a Numeric Quantity field (QTY) and a Part Number field
I already have a Pipeline work so when you save a record in Table A it creates in Table B QTY x Records with a Part Number field and say say a Serial Number Blank serial number field
Adding records or modifying upwards is working.
What I'm struggling with is a Delete if the Table A QTY number is changed downwards.
If I go back and edit that record and change QTY to 3, I want to delete two of the related records in Table B (preferably the latest created).
I have a field "Difference" in Table A that records the change in QTY so I know how many times to Add/Delete on a QTY modification
I currently have a
A. Search Records on Table C
For Each
B. Search Records on Table B for Record ID matching the appropriate Table A Record ID
C. Delete Record
Step C -Delete Record doesnt work because the Search Record in Step B returns an array of multiple matching records.
Am I on the right path - how would I delete the latest record from search in Step B?