Pipeline: Create a parent record if one does not exist
I have a child table (created by form engine) which contains a field that will be the (custom) key to its parent.
The child table may have one or several records which should relate to one parent record.
I created a pipeline that does correctly create the parent records, but it seems slow, and we could have many people entering these child records at one time. It is using an upsert (on rows created in the last five minutes, currently) to handle the fact that if there are multiple child records, only the first one should create a parent.
I saw this discussion, below, and that's what led me to use the upsert - because of the comments about contention causing pipeline errors in this scenario if another strategy was used.
Automation to create record if does not exist | Qrew Discussions
This discussion is from several years ago though - is an upsert still the best way to go in this scenario? And is there any way to make it faster?