Forum Discussion

AaronB's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Pipeline error: Import with CSV - HTTP status code 404

New to the forum.  I searched but did not find anything existing for this specific error so here is my first post.

I am trying to run a pipeline that takes a .csv file from a document table and creates new records in a second table from each entry in the .csv file.

I am using Quickbase Channel->Bulk Record Sets->Import with CSV

When I run the pipeline, I get the following error:

Obviously this is a URL error but I don't understand why since the file/URL resides within the same app as this pipeline. 

Any help will be sincerely appreciated.


Aaron B

12 Replies

  • If you're getting the file from another record, I think you need to access it from the "File transfer handle" field and not the "Browser url" field

    • AaronB's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Thanks Gary. I must not be understanding how the "Import with CSV" option works because I am not seeing anything about "Browser url" or "File transfer handle" in my pipeline options.  Only:

      • What is the URL of the .csv file
      • What fields/data in the .csv file do you want to map to the Quickbase table fields

      I'll definitely give your suggestion a try but I can't find where you got your "File Attachment" screenshot from. 

      Aaron B
      • AaronB's avatar
        Qrew Trainee

        I just realized you might be misunderstanding what I want to do. 

        Your solution looks like it will be able to grab that attachment from an existing record and put it somewhere else.

        What I want to do is: 

        • Read the .csv file
        • create a new record in a 2nd table for every entry in the .csv file

        I don't want to move or copy the .csv file anywhere. 

        Aaron B
  • If the file is in QB you should just be able to search for the record(or trigger)>Fetch the CSV>iterate over the CSV>add records.

    Bulk record stuff makes my brain work too hard.

    • AaronB's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Thanks Greg. 

      Your recommendation looks similar to Gary's earlier.  Now that 2 of you have offered that working solution, I am starting to think my original logic of how the "Import with CSV" works may be flawed. 

      I was trying to get it to work by just providing the entire file URL versus fetching a specific record containing the file and then using {{a.document.file_transfer_handle}} as the URL (which worked just fine). 

      Thanks again for your input!

      Aaron B