Forum Discussion

JoelHickok's avatar
Qrew Cadet
6 months ago

Pipeline Jinja url decode

In a Pipeline, you can use the Jinja urlencode filter to encode a value that needs to be safely encoded for use somewhere else.

However, how can you use the URL Decode function?  I am used to Python, JavaScript, and other languages where you can easily use a URL Decode function.  In fact, it seems in the full subset of Jinja filters or function, there actually IS a urldecode but that Quickbase hasn't implemented it in their build of Jinja for Pipelines.

Any ideas?


{{a.json.url | urldecode}}


  • Well, there is always this.  But who wants to do this when it would be easier to just use a built-in filter?

        | replace("%3a", ":")
        | replace("%2f", "/")
        | replace("%3f", "?")
        | replace("%3d", "=")
        | replace("%5b", "[")
        | replace("%2c", ",")
        | replace("%5d", "]")
        | replace("%26", "&")