Forum Discussion
Qrew Legend
2 months agoThe first five fields in any table are the built-in fields and they are not modifiable by you. Only the system can update those fields. If you want, you can create your own date/time field for a date modified.
- slaurel0012 months agoQrew Member
Thanks Mark. I got a solution. Added another filed to capture the Firstname. I just hate how pipelines by default uses the User for the pipeline (myself) as the user who updates or owns the record.
- slaurel0012 months agoQrew Member
Mark - do you happen know is this is in the new forms (screenshot)? This is all I need for my purpose buy things seem to be moving toward harder with pipelines.
This example is used in a logging text field.
- MarkShnier__You2 months ago
Qrew Legend
I have not worked that much with new forms but i don't think it has that feature. You would need to use a Pipeline.