Forum Discussion

NagaPolimera's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Pipeline not updating the reference field

There is parent table with duplicate records. I am trying to update the child table with reference field to fetch latest values of lookup fields of the latest duplicate record from parent table. But the pipeline is saying the source and destination are same, so no changes were made.

Naga Polimera
  • Perhaps you can post more of your pipeline - what that error is saying is that whatever value you are grabbing, it is the exact same as where you are trying to place it. Quite likely the value is either blank, and your source is blank - or you are grabbing the record ID and wherever you are placing it (the related field) already has that record ID value in it. 

    Mike Tamoush
  • I need the data from table to B table. So I created a relation between them with X Field as reference field which is not unique field. I am having 5 lookup fields from parent to child.
    The workflow is in such a way that fields respect to parent table record create a new record when updated. But as the reference field is same for both records the pipeline is not making the change in the child table and look ups are not getting updated due to this

    Naga Polimera