Forum Discussion

CurtisMiddleto1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

Pipeline Question - Single Pipeline to trigger multiple other Pipelines

Hoping this will be a quick question for someone who knows.

I'm looking to create a single pipeline to trigger 10 others to limit manual effort. But I'm struggling to find information on this and want to vet it out before I spend the time constructing the solution.

If I end my initiating pipeline with a callable action and match its variable to the callable first action of the 10 pipelines, will they all trigger?

Thank you!

Curtis Middleton

3 Replies

  • I'm not sure I understand fully the last part of your statement - do all of these need to happen in sequence - so 1 then 2... or can they all fire at the same time? 

    If they're happening in sequence - your best bet is to end each pipeline with a callable to the next. So the initiating pipeline calls to pipeline 1, then pipeline 1 ends and calls 2 and so on. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • CurtisMiddleto1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Hey Chayce,

      Thanks for the response. The 10 triggered pipelines can run simultaneously.

      They do not impact each other. The only issue I foresee if this is possible, is I may run into heavy pipeline traffic with 10 running at once.


      Curtis Middleton
      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        Probably depends on the complexity of what each pipeline is doing. If they're simple enough it likely won't make a difference - if they're complex, you can consider something like what I suggested and stagger them within each step in the process, or build in a pause between them, keeping the heavier/complex ones towards the end to clear the way.

        You can build them all into a single initiating pipeline then, the biggest thing to focus on in each pipeline is going to make them as efficient as possible. So using Bulk record processing for loads, minimizing the # of queries etc. 

        Chayce Duncan