Forum Discussion

KimG's avatar
Qrew Cadet
3 years ago

Pipeline should be triggered by record created by either user or pipeline


I have two related pipelines. One should trigger based on the actions of the other, but it's not.  

Pipeline 1: When a new record is created in Table "Notes", a date field is updated in the related Table "Account."  

Pipeline 2: When data is updated in Table "Activity," a new record is created in Table "Notes"

If I create a new "Notes" record, it will run Pipeline 1 just fine. 

However, if a new "Notes" record is created through Pipeline 2, then the Pipeline 1 will not run, and the related date is not updated.  Why not? 

If a Pipeline creates a record, does that not count as a record created to trigger the other Pipeline?  Do I need to build in the actions of pipeline 1 into my pipeline 2?

I confess I'm a bit late to the Pipeline party and just slowly trying to migrate automations.  These migrated fine, the one isn't working all of the time it should.  I have others with YAML errors, but that's a question I'll deal with another day.

Thanks for the help!

Kim G
  • A Pipeline trigger on edit of a record will be "agnostic" to who or what caused the edit.  An edit is an edit is an edit.  They all count.  So there must be some other explanation.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • KimG's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Hi Mark,

      Thanks for letting me know.  I checked it again, and it seems it must have just be slow to run.  I was viewing the pipeline running and nothing was happening for a while and when I refreshed the record it didn't change.  It's good to see that it is working.


      Kim G