Forum Discussion

KellyBianchi's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
2 years ago

Pipeline that creates a record and retrieves the record ID for use in the next step

I have a pipeline that verifies whether 2 records exist in separate tables, if not the records are created, and then I need the record ID for each to add to a 3rd table because it is a 'many to many' relationship. I have the record ID for the first record, but not the second. Here is an outline of what I have...

Record added to Google Dropbox  imports into a Connected Table in QB (Trigger)

Search Customer Records -> if empty, create new record, and then...

Search Customer Rep Records - > if empty, create new record, and then...

Search CRM Records -> if empty, create new record using key field, provided in the original import. However, the Customer Rep goes by the record ID which was not provided , and must be retrieved from the record that was created.

How can I retrieve the record ID of a record created in a previous step?

Kelly Bianchi
  • It should be easy.  You should be able to refer to the Record ID# in the step that created the record.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • KellyBianchi's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain

      That's what I thought, but the option isn't available. The only options are from the Search Steps.

      Kelly Bianchi
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        That is strange.   Can you temporarily switch back to the Legacy Pipeline view and see if you can refer to the Record ID the old way?   Or if you feel more comfortable, make a copy of the pipeline and try getting at that reference on the Legacy UI?

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)