Forum Discussion

BradElmore's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
7 months ago

Pipeline to add Parent record from child import

I have two tables -- Parent Table A and Child Table B. When importing records into Child Table B --- if there is not a Parent Table A "related record" -- I would like to create a new "Related Record...
  • MarkShnier__You's avatar
    7 months ago

    OK great.

    Trigger: When Record Added on Child Table

    Step: Create a Bulk Upsert (for Parent table)

    Step:  Add Row

    Step: Commit Upsert.

    It would be nice if they gave us a new Quickbase Pipeline step which would automatically merge in a single record into a  table where the key field may already exist but they don't so we have to go through the hoops of creating a Bulk Upsert with just one row in it and Committing it one row at a time.