Forum Discussion

JenniferJuhasz's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

Pipeline to create 'new' record in same table, but different 'sessions'

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to figure out how to create a table of workshop sessions, where if you register for the "first" session, you're automatically registered for all of them. 

I can get a Pipeline to create a new record when you tick the box to register for all sessions in a series, but how do I tell Quickbase to create records associated with that series' of workshop sessions?  I've spent a few hours now in Pipelines reading through the logic sequence, and honestly, my head is starting to hurt trying to make sense of the logic tree.  At no point can I specify 'if box is checked, search for matching session ID, create additional records for all sessions with matching session ID'.

Any suggestions? I realize it's late Sunday evening, and so it's possible I'm overlooking the obvious answer.

Thank you!

Jennifer Juhasz
BC, Canada

5 Replies

  • I would set up a template table list of all the possible Workshop sessions, each course tagged with the series that they they belong to.

    Then I would trigger a pipeline when a workshop child record is created for an attendee and where the number of Workshop for that attendee is 1. In other words we only want to trigger when the attendee registers for their very first workshop.

    I would search the standard table of workshops looking for records from the same series as the trigger record but where the workshop is not the one that the attendee just registered for.  

    Then a For Each Loop create child workshop sessions for that attendee being sure to connect the attendee workshop records with the attendee from the trigger record so they don't end up being orphans and then populating the workshop name and I guess the Series value.  

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)

    • JenniferJuhasz's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Thank you Mark!  I'm relieved that I was on the right track with how to set up the different tables.  I'm hoping to puzzle this out today; I had everything up to the 'Search' step. 

      I have a parent table for standardized workshops

      A child table where I have the workshops set by schedule with their individual sessions set up and created a check box to mark which 'session' is the 1st one that we register for.

      My Pipeline is set to trigger when we register a guest for the first session in a workshop series.

      I think I even set up the search correctly, but then wasn't sure how to take the next step 'For Each Loop' create child workshop sessions for the attendee. 

      I'm hoping to puzzle this out this afternoon - and will likely come back with more questions. :)

      Thank you as always for your guidance! 

      Take care,


      Jennifer Juhasz
      BC, Canada
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        Ok, when you come back with questions or else even now can you say what your relevant tables and their relationships, like which is the One and which is the Many. 

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)