Forum Discussion
Since this is linear, I would use two Pipelines and this architecture
Pipeline One will fire when the Master Timeline record is created.
It creates one Time Status record where Due Date =
{{ a.start_date.replace(day=1) + }}
Pipeline Two will fire when a Timeline Status record is created
Step B is to Search for the Master Timeline record
Now you need some If Conditions
If # of Status Records < # Required
Then Create another Timeline Status Record
where Due Date =
{{ a.max_due_date.replace(day=1) + }}
If # of Status Records = # Required
Then Create another Timeline Status Record
where Due Date =
{{ a.completion_date + }}
If # of Status Records > # Required
Then END
Creating that final Timeline Status record will fire Pipeline #2 again but it ENDS and nothing else happens.
Max Due Date is a Summary field as well. It keeps going up as Timeline Status records are added.