Forum Discussion
Here is some other code from Doug Henning about 2 years ago that seemed like it was working for my issue, but I get an error when I paste it into the Text* field for the Find All Matches to a RegEx which says that it contains invalid Jinja syntax.
{% set users = a.json.qdbapi.users.user -%}
{% set searchRoleId = '18' -%}
{% for user in users if (user.roles.role | selectattr("@id", "eq", searchRoleId)|list|count) > 0 or user.roles.role['@id'] == searchRoleId -%} {{ }} ({{user["@id"]}}){{ "," if not loop.last }}
{% endfor -%}
I was able to run the pipeline once though, and it gave me the result I was looking for, but after that it won't allow me to run the pipeline. And like I mentioned in my earlier post, the lengthier bit of code referenced in this post allows me to get past the syntax errors, but give me an error when I run the pipeline.