Forum Discussion

GeorgeRomanows1's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Pipelines Question: Start report, send file to sftp server

Trying to determine if Pipelines has an option to:


1. Start a report manually by clicking a button or checking a check box

2. Send the output of that report (a .csv file) to a sftp server.




George Romanowski

Ops Change Mgmt – Sr.
Securites Operations

1551 Park Run Drive
McLean, VA 22102






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  • I have this question as well.

    Sherrie Drummond
  • We have an add-on that can handle this functionality...File Attachment Sweep.

    We use pipelines to create the csv file which then stores that file in a file attachment field in a table in your Quickbase application.   Our File Attachment Sweep add-on is triggered to execute when the file is added to the table and it automatically connects and delivers the file to your SFTP server
    Contact me for more info if interested

    Keith Jusas