Forum Discussion

JimHarrison's avatar
Qrew Champion
4 years ago

Please Vote: Sort Role Drop Down List

Please help!
I can't believe I have to create a User Voice for this but here it is, let's see if we can push the rock up the hill? 

User Table: sort the Roles drop down list Alphabetically

User table: Add User function.
When there are multiple Roles the list is not sorted
Sort the Drop Down List alphabetically.

Jim Harrison

4 Replies

  • Just FYI

    The drop down list currently sorts in the order that you have set your roles.  That role orders is the hierarchy which control which dashboard they land on and which table icons are viewable.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • JimHarrison's avatar
      Qrew Champion
      Because the Role requirement takes priority over the sort desire, the User list cannot be sorted Alphabetically unless we do something 1990's and rename all our Roles Alphabetically. That's like putting a . period in front of a Name field to force it to the top of the list. It works for one User.

      Thing is, loading an ajax lookup into a pop-up DDL it must be possible to apply a sort to that DDL by targeting the DDL in the Pop-up. In Quickbase that would be an slist on the GenResults API. This excludes the other Requirement of Role Order precedence in App settings, which should not be touched.


      Jim Harrison
  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    The list is technically sorted currently, just not in the way you are expecting. It is a manually sorted list based on the role hierarchy in your app. When you go to the role list (?a=AppRolesList) this is where you can manually sort them. The reason I don't expect them to offer sorting alphabetically is this list also controls which roles are considered above one another in the app. I know this is used to determine the home page shown to the user if they are in multiple roles based on whatever role is highest in the list, but I'm not sure what else it controls. 

    I'd throw you a vote anyway but User Voice has not worked for me for many months. I gave up on it.
    • JimHarrison's avatar
      Qrew Champion
      Austin, I agree.
      I also have a imperative to fix what bothers me and this simple change - in my innocence - seems like an easy fix. Sort the pop-up. It is a 2 second improvement that should help, as it is standard to sort DDLs for humans.

      I want to see this platform succeed and therefore am keeping faith that someone is paying attention. One step at a time and all that. If the UserVoice gets many Votes and something happens, I think that would be pretty cool.


      Jim Harrison