Forum Discussion

QuincyAdam1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Post Multiselect Values From Webform

I'm trying to post multiselect values from a webform to Quickbase and it only posts the last value selected from the form. I tried changing the QB field type to multiple options, but not having luck. 

2 Replies

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    How is the data formatted coming from the webform?

    Option 1;Option2;Etc

    Option1, Option 2, Etc

    Option 1,
    Option 2,

    Could be how the API is interpreting the data.
  • Hi Matthew, it's posting arguments through a php POST using the Wordpress Ninja Form plugin. I'm not sure if I'll be able to modify the plugin to post differently, but I might be able to map differently. The _fid_7 field is a multselect field. Looks something like:

     ([_fid_6] => ValueFromTextField
    [_fid_7] => Array ( [0] => AF [1] => SQ [2] => AR ))

    I can use Zapier to map it, but it's not great since Zapier forces you to enter each option manually and everything runs together in the call without any separators (will look like AFSQAR). I have another post where I figured out eliminating Zapier, but I just realized multiselect fields don't work. Any thoughts?