Forum Discussion

ShaneMiller1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
3 years ago

Potential Bug, Field not displaying in Pipelines

I am having an issue where I am unable to select a Text -Multi-line field in my pipeline under the "Select fields to specify values". When I go to search for it, it is simply not there. I've removed and added it from the initial "Fields for subsequent steps" multiple times. I have even created a duplicate of the field named the same with a 2 at the end and it appears. Unfortunately this is a crucial field that I need. Is this potentially a bug?

Screenshot attached.
The field I am looking for is Requestee Notes. The duplicate field of it Requestee Notes2 does appear though.

Shane Miller

2 Replies

  • I don't have first hand experience could be able to stay categorically that this is a limitation of QuickBase, but if it was me I would simply create a text version of the multi select field using  

    ToText([my multi select field])

    And then it will be a regular text field which surely would be offered up as a choice.   A multi select field is stored as a semi colon delimited string but this is actually delimited by space semicolon space.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • ShaneMiller1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      The interesting thing is I duplicated the field that won't appear and that duplicated one (requestee notes2) popped up no problem. 

      I thought of that solution as well, however, this table has already been created and there are historical records of text that exist. I don't want to have to create a duplicate text field as that will complicate the table. 

      Shane Miller