I haven't made a URL formula field yet, I am still trying to figure out a way to let the field work table know what work request I'm viewing. I trying to set this up currently through a single record table and just transferring the WR# I need through that, but I am having trouble.
https://pike.quickbase.com/db/bpfpdy3bx?a=dbpage&sfid=497&pagename=Locate%20Sheet.html&clist=a&qid=23 works well by itself
https://pike.quickbase.com/db/bpfpdy3bx?a=q&qid=23&nv=1&v0=75138760 works well by itself
now I just need them to work together or find out another way to do this.
I am currently trying to replicate the following post:
Interesting. I did not know about Keith's tip here until your post (great tip, Keith). And I just happened to have a client who needed a mass print exact forms solution. Got it working and tied up with a pretty bow in an hour. So thx for the question.
Just create a single record table with a single record in it to set the filters for the <ask the user> report. The Record will be [Record ID#] = 1.
Make a relationship back to the details table using a reference field with a formula of
and lookup the filter field(s) to the details table.
Make a versions of the Report which will not be an <ask the user> but rather will use the lookup values for the filer field(s).
Use the qid of that report and Keith's post to make a button to run the print set for the qualifying records.
Jordan McAlister