Forum Discussion

JessicaAdkins's avatar
Qrew Cadet
6 years ago

Problem: Relationships/Connections

I'm developing a complex application. Here is the current situation:

I have 5 tables that are connecting.
Table  #1 (Prospects) - A list of customers with unique IDs
Table #2 (Marketing Campaigns) - A list of campaigns
Table #3 (New Leads) - Customer entries that are not verified with unique IDs
Table #4 (Conversations) - Conversations/disposition of talking to customers
Table #5 (Lead Sources) - Gravity Form deposits from customers with unique IDs connected to the marketing campaigns

The full process of what happens:

I have a gravity form script connected to my application. When a marketing campaign exists, it's connected to the URL landing page. From that form entry, if the customer's unique ID is submitted via the gravity form and exists in the Prospects table - a new entry is created in the Lead Sources table.

If the customer's unique ID does not exist in the Prospects table, a new entry is added in the New Leads table.

This all works correctly. There are no issues.

When the New Lead is received, our sales team will click on "New Conversation" and disposition correctly. The conversation connects to the new lead. After the conversation, if the unique ID can be verified with the customer and is correct - an automation has been set up to:

a.) Create a new prospect entry using the unique ID
b.) Create a new lead source entry (which connects the campaign to the prospect)
c.) Connect the already saved conversation to the lead source (and back to the prospect)
d.) Delete the previous new lead entry that existed before verification (a simple field change triggers all of this)

This works properly without fail. However, when I changed the proxy field (which now I'm not sure which I changed) - it somehow "broke" the simplified version of this which was when the New Lead Source is created (and connects to the Prospects table) - when the conversation is created, it does not connect back to the New Lead Source.

So, in short: The Prospect and Lead Source connect, but the conversation does not connect back to the Lead Source.

I've checked my relationships and reference fields and it's all correct. I'm not sure what has happened. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

I checked the embedded reports - not it.
I re-checked the proxy fields - didn't help.
I double checked the automation - turned it off, still is broken.

1 Reply

  • FYI - I solved the problem. It was not with the relationships or connections - it was having a log field added based on a change, and setting the embedded report to pull from the log field. :)