Forum Discussion

JohnSampath1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

Quickbase Action Not Occurring When Triggering Criteria is Met

My Quickbase Action is updating a Status field value. I have 3 fields in my criteria: (Status, Draft Version, and Department).
[Status field is used both as criteria and the field to write to.] The action works fine if I just use Draft Version and Department in the criteria. However when I add the Status field to the criteria it will not work even though the criteria is satisfied.  The only difference between the Status field and the other fields is that the Status field is "automatically" set based on another previous Quickbase Action. My sequence of events is:

1. Quickbase Action #1 - Status field is set (this works)
2. Draft version and DepartmentID fields are manually updated
​3.  Quickbase Action #2 - Status field is updated  (this does not work.)

The only way I can get this to work is if I manually go into the status field change it to some other value , save it, and then go back and change it again back to my original value (which meets the criteria). Then the Quickbase Action works.  Any thoughts please? Thank you.  

John Sampath

7 Replies

  • In what way do you change Draft version and Department ID? Through a form, an import, or grid edit?

    Jordan McAlister
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      ...  Could the problem be that the Automations are  not firing in the sequence you expected.  ie do you have two Automations firing at the same time hence you cannot control which one which actually run first?

      Mark Shnier (YQC)
      Quick Base Solution Provider
      Your Quick Base Coach
      • JohnSampath1's avatar
        Qrew Trainee
        I am changing draft version and department through a form. 
        I do not believe this is an issue with any automation sequence.   The previous action completes. I then do a manual edit and then I save. There is a lot of time lag. (Also I have tried triggering action with all other actions/automations disabled. Same behavior.)  
        When I change the status field through the previous action the subsequent action does not work. 
        When I change the status field manually through a form, the subsequent action does work. 
        I do not understand why quickbase does not recognize the criteria has been satisfied

        John Sampath