Quickbase API - SOAP Envelope
Hello everyone!
Hoping this awesome community can help me out,
I'm trying to develope an integration between my Quickbase app and a external application called Fluig.
For this propuse, a dataset was developed to receive the data that we now include in quickbase so that it is also automatically included in the other platform.
To achieve this purpose, a request model based on an XML Soap envelope was developed by this third party company towards an endpoint based from an external WSDL.
My question is: is it possible to make requests and transmissions of XML-type data in a Soap envelope through the channels available in the Quickbase pipelines module or through the conventionals APIs? How should i start?
And, additionaly, it will be possible to referenciate one specfic tag of the expected response of the xml?
Bellow and excerpt exemple of my soap envelope model:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://ws.workflow.ecm.technology.totvs.com/">
<colleagueIds> </colleagueIds>