Quickly Update Asset Assignments
Good afternoon,
I am brainstorming how I can assign numerous assets to one mission quickly. The relationships are as follows:
Each Mission has many Asset Assignments
Each Asset/Service has many Asset Assignments
The intermediary table is the asset assignment table. However when we create 15 new assets, we want to be able to assign them to a mission quickly instead of having to create 15 different deployments one at a time. I was trying to use the grid edit mode in the intermediary table (asset asignments) but it is difficult to select each asset. My colleague asked if it was possible to grid edit in the Asset/Service table. He wanted to simply select the mission the asset was assigned to and fill down or copy/paste that mission to each necessary asset. However this takes the intermediary table out of the picture and does not track those deployments on the intermediary table. I was trying to figure out how i could potentially copy and paste the related asset number into the asset assignment table in grid edit mode however i cannot copy a reference field so it would not allow me to do that. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make this process more efficient than creating a deployment for each asset to be assigned to the one mission in the asset assignment table.
Thanks so much,
Bailey Desormeaux