Forum Discussion

BaileyDesormeau's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Quickly Update Asset Assignments

Good afternoon,

I am brainstorming how I can assign numerous assets to one mission quickly. The relationships are as follows:

Each Mission has many Asset Assignments

Each Asset/Service has many Asset Assignments

The intermediary table is the asset assignment table. However when we create 15 new assets, we want to be able to assign them to a mission quickly instead of having to create 15 different deployments one at a time. I was trying to use the grid edit mode in the intermediary table (asset asignments) but it is difficult to select each asset. My colleague asked if it was possible to grid edit in the Asset/Service table. He wanted to simply select the mission the asset was assigned to and fill down or copy/paste that mission to each necessary asset. However this takes the intermediary table out of the picture and does not track those deployments on the intermediary table. I was trying to figure out how i could potentially copy and paste the related asset number into the asset assignment table in grid edit mode however i cannot copy a reference field so it would not allow me to do that. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make this process more efficient than creating a deployment for each asset to be assigned to the one mission in the asset assignment table. 

Thanks so much,

Bailey Desormeaux
  • There is probably a way to speed up this process but it would probably take 1-2 hours of consulting time.  if you have a small budget to work with, contact me directly by my email address and we can get on a zoom call and I can estimate the time required.

    But back to grid edit .... the assignment table just needs to have the two columns copy pasted for Related Asset and Related Mission (typically these will be the [Record ID#] of each of those two Parent tables. 

    If you make any sort of dummy report there and go into grid edit it will have 4 blank rows at the bottom.  If you highlight those at the left  and right click it will allow you to insert blank rows.  You can double that to 8 rows and then repeat to double to 16 and then double to 32 to make enough room to copy paste.  I see no reason why you could not copy paste the reference fields for a related mission and related asset.  

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • BaileyDesormeau's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Hey Mark,

      Sorry I am unable to allocate any funds toward this solution at this time, so I would like to understand the second part a bit better. When you are saying copying and pasting a reference field, do you mean from a downloaded excel? Because from my experience quickbase does not allow you to copy a key field from grid edit mode. Or potentially, reference field and key field is where the issue is. I am trying to copy a key field then move it to the reference field.

      Bailey Desormeaux