Forum Discussion
did you see my post above with the photo?
Chris Newsome
- MannyPinheiro2 years agoQuickbase StaffFirst, can you change the operator from GT to GTE.
- ChrisNewsome2 years agoQrew Captain
Will that correct it? I did that based on what she said in the video.
Chris Newsome
------------------------------- MannyPinheiro2 years agoQuickbase StaffI think it will give you more reliable results, but not sure - you'll need to test. I do expect that you will have multiple records with the same rank if there are volumes that are the same.If that's the case, you'll need to find something else that is unique that you can include in your filter/query.
- ChrisNewsome2 years agoQrew Captain
OK did that, no real change. Still not ranking correctly.
Chris Newsome
------------------------------- ChayceDuncan2 years agoQrew Captain
Have you submitted a ticket to QB support yet? I tried a handful of iterations in a smaller environment to your use case and there is something about the size(getrecords inside of the same table for some reason that it's not able to evaluate that I can't get to work. I found this by doing a query just to count values that were GT an arbitrary number and got 0. I did the same query in a different table and it returned an expected result. I tried playing with the single quote syntax and including / omitting it, aliasing the DBID, hard coding the DBID, leaving it out. This seems to be some kind of bug I haven't seen before.
Your query and the expected results all look right. I even went as far as trying to make a query field that counted the number of records with a higher record ID# and it wouldn't return anything which is impossible.
Chayce Duncan