3 years agoQrew Trainee
Read Charges from PowerBI Connections
Per QB, in October QB changed the way that APIReads driven by PBI connections were being charged to accounts. We have been trying to get answers on what exactly changed and what kind of activity is driving the charges, because they don't directly align with obvious user activity. Users are connecting to PBI via reports and the dashboards have auto-refreshes of once a day (generally). However we are seeing APIReads in excess of 100+ a day per user. A Solution Architect did some tests with PBI and she said that the following resulted in multiple reads per action: Refresh preview (4 reads) and saving (2 reads). She also said that based on the size of the data the results would be paginated, resulting in more reads (however, the documentation online says "1 read regardless of the number of columns/rows"). It is also possible that the steps in power query are all being counted as Reads.
Has anyone else encountered this issue or been able to determine what activity in PBI is driving high read counts? If QB provides answers to this I will update the thread.
Sarah Weeden
Has anyone else encountered this issue or been able to determine what activity in PBI is driving high read counts? If QB provides answers to this I will update the thread.
Sarah Weeden