Forum Discussion

bharathreddy's avatar
Qrew Member
8 days ago

Record owner vs Non-record owner - Modify all vs one field(s) access

Hi. I have a requirement to provide access to a user in following manner. Please let me know the best solution.


If a user is record owner and record's region is ABC, then user should have access to modify all field information in the record.

If the same user is not the record owner, irrespective of the region, the user should have access to modify only one field (checkbox field) in the record.


  • You would need to do this with a form rule, but I don't see any shortcut other than listing virtually every editable field on the form in the rule (ie except the checkbox field).  You would also need to block Grid Edit.  One way to do that is in the User Interface settings for the affected Roles to check the box for Hide Multi Record Operations. How many fields would need to be locked down like that?... like say 20 or like 100?

    • bharathreddy's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Hi Mark,

      The fields are near to 100 in the form placed in different sections/tabs and I think it would be difficult to manage the form rule as new fields come up in the future.

      I did the following, but still the user does not have edit access:

      1. Created a role "ABC Region" and assigned it with a edit condition: Edit all records and all fields if the user is record owner and region is ABC.

      2. Dynamic Rule in Form: If User's role is ABC Region, then allow edit access on checkbox field.