Forum Discussion

VincentLignier's avatar
Qrew Member
5 years ago

Register user who do action in field


I would like to register user who do an action in my database. For example :

Joe fill field approval to yes. I want to save Joe's name on other field.

How I can do that ?

Thanks for your help.

Vincent Lignier

2 Replies

  • DonLarson's avatar
    Qrew Commander

    There is no native way to track the changes in all fields.   If you are on Platform or Enterprise there is an Audit feature but you have to designate which fields to track.   I have not used it so I can not speak to the effectiveness for your purpose.

    I come across this issue all the time.  I had to make a change in a customers app this weekend for a high value field.  You can make a child table for specific fields so that every change is actually adding a record instead of editing the record.   It makes the application more complicated but you now know exactly the value of the field, the record owner and the date time stamp.   For things such as Revenue, Forecast Close Dates it is well worth the effort.

    Don Larson
    Westlake OH