Forum Discussion

BuildPro's avatar
Qrew Captain
4 months ago

Relationship - Forms


I have 2 tables 

PROJECTS related to JOBS

When I add a JOB to the PROJECT (using the Add Job URL) I would like for a specific form to open In the JOBS Table. Currently "Main Form" opens.  I would like for the "Job Start Form" to open.  I prefer not to create a role to use this form.

Thoughts? Thank you



  • MariaPeralta's avatar
    Community Manager

    Find the number of the form you wish to use. Once you have the number, let's say it's 16. Next, edit the field where the button your users are using. To the end of the url add "&dfid=16" this will make the chosen form appear when the  button is clicked. 

    • BuildPro's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_JOBS] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_8=" & URLEncode ([Record ID#])& "&z=" & Rurl()


      The form # is 11.  Where do I insert "&dfid=11"

      thank you

      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        try this

        URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_JOBS] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&dfid=11&_fid_8=" & URLEncode ([Record ID#])& "&z=" & Rurl()