If you create a formula checkbox field in the callout table and put in this query formula, it will look up the amount of callout records ahead of each record up to 4 days after its date that is related to the same employee.
In this code, 6 = the callout date field id and 7 = the related employee field id so you will need to replace those numbers with the correct field IDs in your table.
var date endDate = [date]+Days(4);
var number d = Size(GetRecords("{6.OBF."&$endDate&"} AND {6.AF."&[date]&"} AND {7.EX."&[Related Employee]&"}"));
If($d=4, "true", "false")
If there are 4 records found, then it will mark the checkbox as true. You can then use a summary field in the relationship to check if there are any callouts with the checkbox marked as true and use that as your filter for a report to show you the employees with 5 consecutive callouts.
Josh Hamilton