Forum Discussion

RoxanneZiegler's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 months ago

Report help

I have been doing a manual report for years on excel and I am hoping I can now have it done on QB

These are the fields I have

Tour count - has a 1 or 0 in it and it counts the times a client comes to our business. 

Sale count - has a 1 or 0 in it and counts how many times the client purchases from us.


then I created two formula fields in report 

Efficiency which takes the price and divides it by the tour count

Closing which takes the Sale Count and divides it by tour count.

Location which is where this all takes place. Based on date as well.

on excel it would look like this 

Location#Tour# of Sales PriceEfficiencyClosing %
NC Mem Update14960$777,443.06$5,217.7440.27%
IM Members11$6,896.55$6,896.55100.00%
Members subtotal15061$784,339.61$5,228.9340.67%


Then at the end it totals as you can see the closing is 40.67% not 140.67% 

Usually I need to run two reports to get all the numbers. All fields are in the one form now.  

Do I need to make summary fields first for the tour count and sale count so it combines based on the location field?

thanks for any input 

  • If you use a Summary report type, you will see that you can make summary variables and then use those in a Summary Formula Calculation.  Explore those options and post back with amy questions.