Forum Discussion

MichaelJameson's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Report home display differs from form edit page

I am having issues with my home report display.  Here's what I did; I needed to make a field have limited options for selection based on the contents of 2 preceding fields.  I made multiple tables in the same App (Sign Type Library) so that I could do a conditional dropdown twice.

i.e. make a selection in column 1 (Family) which then limits the options in column 2 (Group) and then that selection limits options in column 3 (Sign Type).

It functions exactly how I want it to, however while looking at it on the report home page I only see the record ID# of the referenced field rather than its (text) contents (this pertains to the column titled "Related ST" on the report home page).

But if I go into the form, it shows the (text) contents of the referenced field.  Does anyone know why it would display differently in grid edit?

P.S. In the "Reference Field Options" section I defined a proxy field for display.

I have attached a few screenshots to try and help show what my issue is.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Michael Jameson

1 Reply

  • You'll need to update the Default Report for that table to remove those fields. Once you've done that, it should show as you're expecting. You can also go into the field properties of the fields you don't want to show and deselect 'Show on All Reports'.

    Blake Harrison
    DataBlender - Quickbase Solution Provider
    Atlanta GA
    404.800.1702 /