Forum Discussion
not tested but maybe this will work. On the table with the target multi select field, make a new field called [Multi Select (text format)]. The formula will be
ToText([My Multi Select Field]) & " ;"
note that I added a space semi at the end.
Then create a field on the "Parent" record "This record" with the formula
[my text field looking for a match] & " ;"
see if we get proper non exact matches using those two new fields.
The point is that you are no longer matching on "test" but are now matching on "test ;" which is different from "testing ;"
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
- HarrisonRay2 years agoQrew Member
Thanks, as always, Mark!
Harrison Ray
------------------------------- HarrisonRay2 years agoQrew Member
One more update in case anyone needs to do this in the future --
use Mark's formula but include a special character at the beginning of your strings as well, in case you have values like "testing", "test", and "ting"
Harrison Ray
- MikeTamoush2 years agoQrew Commander
I like Marks solution, but I think maybe you will need to use Search and Replace. Mark, you can let me know if I am wrong but if he simply adds a ; to the end of his multi select field, it could be like 'choice a; testing; test; choice d; ;'
ie just one appended semicolon. Im thinking:
SearchandReplace(ToText[Original Multi Select], ";", "dummytext; ")
Then in the original table, the field would be: [My text field looking for a match] & "dummytext".
So now on page one it matches, Testdummytext, with
ChoiceAdummytext; testdummytext; testingdummytext; choiceDdummytext
Mike Tamoush