Forum Discussion

MarshallAzar's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

Require field update when record is saved

Can someone PLEASE help me out with this as I cannot figure it out.

I'm trying to force a field to require an update when the record is saved and I cant figure out if I need a rule or to change the properties of the field itself.

We have a contact record and it has a "Next Contact Date" for when the customer will need a followup.  I want to set that field that it HAS to be edited/updated anytime someone adds a note and saves the record.  I don't want someone to be able to save the record without updating that Next Contact Date field.

Any help  on this is appreciated.

Marshall Azar

5 Replies

  • Is the note a child record or an update to a field on the Contact?

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • MarshallAzar's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      The "note" field is just a blank field for contact notes.  The main issue is the "Next Contact Date" field which is a calandar date field.  Even if it stays the same, I want to make the form require that the field is clicked before the record can be saved.

      Purpose is to prevent customer contacts from going over SLA and forcing agents to HAVE to double check and edit the Next Contact date field if needed.

      Sorry if this doesn't answer your question fully.

      Marshall Azar
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Qrew Champion
        Here is one approach.
        Create a text field called [Previous Note] by copying the Note field. (that will populate it with the current value in [Note].
        Create a checkbox field called [Date OK].
        Create a date field called [Previous Next Contact Date] by copying the [Next Contact date] field. ((that will populate it with the current value in [Next Contact Date]
        Make a form rule that says when the record is saved
        Change the value of [Previous Note] to the value in the field [Note]
        Change the value of [Date OK] to unchecked.

        Make another form rule that says when
        The record is saved

        all of
        [Note] is not equal to the value in the field [Previous Note] 
        [Date OK] is unchecked
        [Next Contact date] is not equal to the value in the field [Previous next contact date]

        Abort the save and display message Please update or confirm he the Next Contact Date

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach
    • MarshallAzar's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      That seems like a LOT of extra work and Id like to not have to create extra fields.

      Is there no simpler way to just make some kind of a rule that says:
      If Next Contact Date isn't changed or clicked, abort save."  


      Marshall Azar
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Qrew Champion
        But you said that the date may not need to change. You said
        Even if it stays the same, I want to make the form require that the field is clicked before the record can be saved.

        There is not a way to know if a field has been clicked. So I had to add an extra field.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach