Forum Discussion

MarshallAzar's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

Require field update when record is saved


I'm trying to force a field to require an update when the record is saved and I cant figure out if I need a rule or to change the properties of the field itself.

We have a contact record and it has a "Next Contact Date" for when the customer will need a followup.  I want to set that field that it HAS to be edited/updated anytime someone adds a note and saves the record.  I don't want someone to be able to save the record without updating that Next Contact Date field.

Any help  on this is appreciated.

Marshall Azar

1 Reply

  • Interesting problem!

    You may need a combination of actions.
    1. Create another field to capture the current value of the "Next Contact Date" on save. This does not need to be visible on the form.
    2. Build an automation to populate the new field when a record is added or modified.
    3. Create a custom rule that will abort the save when the Next Contact Date is equal to the value in the new field (unless it's blank). If you're not familiar with Custom Data Rules, here's a video I made
    Let me know if this helps 😊👍

    Sharon Faust (
    Founder, Quick Base Junkie