Forum Discussion

BillBurrrell's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Return field value after saving from a formula URL

So I'm not sure this is possible without some major reworking. I have a formula URL that passes some info to create a new parent record. What I need is to pull on of the parent record fields and return it once the parent is saved. 
The parent record contains projects and information on them and the child record is quotes. So when a quote is awarded we want to make the project record. From the Project Record I'm looking to return the Project Number to the Quote so I can link them. I've attached the code I have so far.

URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_PROJECTS] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_317=" & URLEncode ([Record ID#]) 

//transfer Division information to new project
& "&_fid_6=" & [Division]

//transfer Quote Name to new project as Project Name
& "&_fid_75=" & [Quote Name]

//transfer Customer information to new project
& "&_fid_49=" & [Related Customer]

//transfer Contact information to new project
& "&_fid_25=" & [Related Contact]

//transfer Estimated Cost information to new project
& "&_fid_46=" & [Estimated Cost]

//transfer Tendered Amount (Subtotal/Contract Amount) information to new project
& "&_fid_45=" & [Quote Sub Total]

& "&z=" & Rurl()

Bill Burrrell

2 Replies

  • I suggest writing the record ID of the quote to the Project.  Then have a Pipeline or Automation fire when the parent is created and the Record ID of the quote is not blank.  It will edit the quote to attach it to the Project,

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • BillBurrrell's avatar
      Qrew Member
      That's a brilliant idea. Thanks Mark!

      Bill Burrrell