Forum Discussion

AnastasiyaTaras's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Search using API_DoQuery for user type


I developed PHP application which using Quickbase JSON API.
All works fine except when I add the condition for searching by user type field.
I have tried to search by email or id, but received an empty response.

Example request without search conditions: 
{"from":"table_id", "select":[3, 35], "where":""}

{ "data": [ { "3": { "value": 1 }, "35": { "value": { "email": "USER_EMAIL1", "id": "USER_ID1", "name": "USER_NAME1" } }

Good. I receive a lot of data. 

But when I run the following query:
{"from":"table_id", "select":[3, 35] ,"where":"{35.EX.'USER_EMAIL1'}"}

I get response with empty data. I have tried to enter user email or user id, but no results.

Why Quickbase does not search by user type field?

Anastasiya Tarasenko
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