Forum Discussion

ColleenBurch's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Send reminder based on multi-select text field of users

I have a project tracking app that has a projects table with a 1:many relationship to a resources table (1 project can have many resources).  The resource name is a user field.  There is a multi-select field in the projects table to capture the resource names.

I would like to send a reminder to the users in the multi-select field (from the projects table) that triggers when a status report is due.

How do I convert the multi select field of users to show as a recipient in the 'Remind Whom' field of the Reminder, and thus send the emails to each of the users?

Colleen Burch
  • Can you clarify the question?  You say that the Projects record has a multi select field for the Users > is this a data entry field?  If so what is the field type?  Is it a list user field type?

    But then you also say that you have a child table of Resource Assignments to the project.  Are those in fact the users that you want to notify?

    I am confused by the two possible sources of users to notify.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • ColleenBurch's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      The resources table has "Resource Name" user field (user entry).  I also created the field "Resource Name (ToText)" based on the Resource Name field so that I could roll up the names into a combined text field in the projects table.  Therefore, the projects table has a field "Project Owners" that is a multi select text summary (combined text)...this is not a user entry field.

      Since reminders require a user field, and my "Project Owners" field is a combined text field, how can I set up a reminder in the projects table based on the users in the Project Owners field?

      Colleen Burch
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        OK now I understand the question. I think the most straightforward way to do this will be to create a field on the trial table for resources called [Resource Userid in Text format].

        Then roll that up in a combined summary field called  [Combined Text Resource Userids]

        Then make a field called [Resource Userid 1] with a formula of 

        ToUser(Trim(Part([Combined Text Resource Userids],1,";")))

        The duplicate that around 10 times or as many resources as you might possible have.

        Then in the Notify Who box put in the field names listed vertically. 

        [Resource Userid 1]
        [Resource Userid 2]
        [Resource Userid 3]
        [Resource Userid 10]

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach