Forum Discussion

EmberKrumwied's avatar
Qrew Captain
2 years ago

Show/Hide App Tabs

Not sure how to explain this, but our environment has multiple applications.  I know I can show/hide them from the My Apps page, but that removes the App from both that page and the tabs across the top of the screen.  Is there a way to hide the tab but keep the app listing on the My Apps page?

  • Unfortunately not to my understanding. The my apps page and tabs across the top are user specific for that they have opened or closed of late and there isn't an admin setting to change or override that generically across the realm for all users.

    Chayce Duncan
    • EmberKrumwied's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      Thanks, I'd be fine if it could be user specific.  As the environ admin, I have access to everything, so I see everything.  Is there possibly a "favorites" option so that I can choose which ones appear first in the line up?

      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        No, there is not a way to control that.  But the 2024 roadmap (Register to watch)

        .... describes how QuickBase recognizes that too much of the upper portion of the screen us used up with navigation data and also that if you have many apps, you end up with many tiny tabs across the top which are basically useless.

        so hang in there and sometime in 2024 that whole new interface will come through. At one point the Senior Product Manager, Alice, talks about the waffle menu.  

         That whole top of the screen has not really changed in perhaps decades, and they have started fresh. I can see from their demo that this is an opportunity for them to use all their best thinking and new techniques, and it will be a dramatic improvement in navigation and protection of the screen space while still allowing great navigation.

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)