Forum Discussion

AlexWong's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Showing only a latest text in summarized text field

Hi everyone. I would like to search for a method to achieve showing only a latest text in a summarized text field. 

For the background information, there are 2 tables with relationship, parent table A and child table B. In parent table A, I have created a summarized field with function "Combined Text". It is a field showing status (Approved/Denied) field from child table. However, since my child table B is a ticket table, there is a possibility that the issue is denied at first but approved finally. Is there a way for me to show the latest status in summarized field in parent table A.

Parent table A (Summarized field)

Child table B (Records)

Thanks so much for the help!

Alex Wong
  • Alex, you will need to make a summary field of the maximum date modified.  Then look up [Maximum Date Modified] back down to the child table.  Then limit your combined text summary filter to only include where  [ Date Modified ] = [Maximum Date Modified]

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • AlexWong's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Hi Mark, thank you for the help! I have finally made the filtering. Thanks again.

      Alex Wong