23 hours agoQrew Captain
[Snippet] How we Stop Backdating Entries from user
Starting a new series on sharing some knowledge.
We have a simple app where we ask users to do production entries from shop floor daily in date , capturing it in [Production Date]
We only wanted backdated entries for 1 day , so if today is 21 February 2025, entry for 20 Feb 2025 is allowed.
Here's how we achieved it. Below is a Formula Field called Validations.
var date decide = If(IsNull([Record ID#]),Today(),ToDate([Date Created]));
var number daydiff= ($decide-[Production Date])/Days(1);If($daydiff<0,"You cannot do entry for future",
$daydiff>1,"You cannot do entry for past","OK")
We then went to Settings->Advance Settings-> Custom Rules - Turn ON