8 months agoQrew Trainee
"Stoplight" Report
This is my first go at a Rich Text Formula, and I just think asking here will get the answer I can use to apply in other situations.
I need to assign a Stoplight color to all open "Projects". I can apply the Open Filter no problem. For the stoplight, my team will use the field Condition2 to select "On-Track", "At Risk" or "Danger".
The field named Condition2 will then display a Green, Yellow or Red circle, respectively.
Also open to some other way of doing this by just using one field. i.e. Can my multiple choice simply be the desired circles and not the equivalent text options? I am fine if it needs to be the two field approach and got that idea from a previous.
Gonzo - A Newbie, but learning fast. (Former SmartSheet evangelist who is quickly converting to QuickBase)
IT Director City of New Braunfels