Forum Discussion

RyanAnderson2's avatar
Qrew Cadet
10 years ago

Subscription on last day of month

This is likely a super easy answer. I'm just waiting for the date to get here, but want to verify, since i'm working with an active report. If I need a subscription to email out on the last day of a month, do I just put in the 31st, and then any other month that ends before that date will send out on that month's last day?

2 Replies

  • I would setup a daily subscription, and make sure that you have the "send this report even when there are no results" unchecked. You can then create a formula checkbox field for example on your records with a formula like LastDayOfMonth([DateFieldName]). You could have more to the formula if you wanted to only include records where the status wasn't completed, or where the assigned to field is a specific person, etc. to include the records you want in the report. Last, create a report filtering where that formula checkbox field is checked. Then your subscription will check every day, but only trigger the e-mail on the last day of the month.
  • RyanParr's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Set it for the first. But make sure the filter on your report is looking at changes occurring in the previous month etc.